Bricksforge ajax with value from form

CoderAuthor Position

This is a static text. Maybe you want to add a tagline or short message here?


1) add Bricksforge ProForm, lets our  texfield have Custom ID “6a42d0”

2) add in Bricksforge  panell Call Ajax Function and in Function Data add variable name “asd” and in value field we need add: {formField:form-field-6a42d0}

3) In backend we have:

function qwqwqw() {
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST["nonce"], "bricksforge_ajax")) {
        wp_send_json_error(["message" => "Not authorized!"]);

        // Add your authorization rules here

        $asd = $_POST['asd'] ; 	
        // Start your code here

    // Return a success response
    wp_send_json_success(["message" => $asd + 10 ]);